Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA, DHA, Fish, Flaxseed Oils)

Prostaglandin and leukotrine pro-inflammation markers are derived from the breakdown of omega-6 fatty acids (like arachidonic acid) in cell membranes. On the contrary, the breakdown of omega-3 fatty acids lead to either anti or non-inflammatory molecules.1

It is thought that by supplementing with omega-3-fatty acids, one can decrease the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and therefore reduce inflammation.1 That same study found that supplementation with alpha-liopoic acid, an omega-3 from flaxseed yielded no benefits for arthritis. One long term study for RA found that 2.6 grams of daily omega-3 supplementation “results in significant clinical benefit”2 for rheumatoid arthritis.


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